Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Monday, 13 September 2010

Final Design Idea

This is my final design Idea I wanted to keep the colours to a minimum and only use white blacks and greys.

3rd Design Idea

For this design I Changed the colours and kept it to a minimum by using dark colours such as black, Browns, Oranges and Greens. The colours in this design relate more to the traditional army colours.

2nd Design Idea

I decided to do a collage of 5 pairs of my sunglasses. Instead of sticking to a particular colour scheme I used bright and bold colours that stand out.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Another Idea

This is another idea with more pairs of glasses, this was also inspired by Michael Craig Martin.

1st Design Idea

This is the same image but I have not filled the image with colour, instead I have left the stoke with a similar colour as the background. This was inspired by Michael Craig Martin's work.

Michael Craig Martin

Michael Craig Martin's work is very colourful and bright, Michael has incorporated outlines of objects combined with each other against a coloured background, with some of his designs he has combined different coloured letterforms with the outlines of objects.

Urban Camouflage: Trompe L’Oeil Body Painting

Body artist Emma Hack blends models seamlessly into wallpaper backgrounds in a series of photographs entitled wallpaper. This is another type of camouflage the artist has placed models against wallpaper, the artist has painted the models with interesting designs camouflaging them against the wallpaper.

Urban Camouflage: Liu Bolin

The Beijing-based artist spends hours studying his chosen locations and painting himself and other subjects, while carefully taking perspective and texture into account for spectacular results that render them almost invisible.

Types of Camouflage

There are different types of camouflage that can be used for different things. colours worn by the military mimic their surrounds, dark green colours help them to blend into the surroundings.Even The clothes people wear every day can be said to be a type of camouflage. People try to blend in, wearing dark colors so they do not attract attention.

Personal Camouflage Brief

I have been asked to design my own personal camouflage over the summer. My camouflage will be made up of shapes that represent me and my identity, it will be represented by a timeline by a timeline of 5 objects. After I have designed my camouflage I will then select an object that represents me and camouflage it using my pattern.